Saturday, September 27, 2014

We Can't see Through the Walls Anymore

One of the most fun parts of any construction project is when the sheetrock goes up. The rooms are suddenly defined and you really get an idea of how the end product will feel. 
That's a lot of sheetrock!

They put it in through the window?!

These guys were amazing! They could balance a 12 foot piece of sheetrock on their heads, climb a ladder, and load their screw gun at the same time. I promise that is not easy!

I guess that room is going to be pretty darn cool!

I love that you can really see the angles now! 

Next up: Paint and More!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How About a Little Catch-up?

I guess I'm really behind on updating.  A lot of changes have taken place since the last post. Rather than write lots of individual posts, I'll just cover many changes at once. 

First topic: garage floor. 

We had to bring in many, many bucket loads of dirt and gravel. 



Cutting in the lines

Nice shiny new floor!

Now: Electrical

We worked hard and put in most of the electrical ourselves. It was a long few weeks. But after tons of recessed lights and over 6000 feet of wire, we got it done.  I never thought it was possible to get up and down a ladder that many times!

Part of installing lights and getting ready for sheetrock required us to level out the ceiling in three of the rooms in the old part of the house. Professionals probably could have got it done quickly, but it took us awhile and a lot of wood. But end product was worth it. 

We had lots of helpers during this part. 

Pretty agile for an 80 year old!

Don't worry, we had a professional wire the panels. 

Next: Insulation

We decided to use sprayed-in foam most places to seal up the old house as well as provide enough R-value to our 2nd story attic rooms.  

Oh, we also got a water line during this time. 

And finished the roof. 


So nice!

Stay tuned for more big changes on the way.